Thursday 31 March 2011

Heheh...a month and three trips later...

I can't post pictures anymore because this blog thing is silly so I stopped blogging (for a month!) and now I will have to catch up...tomorrow. :) SORRY IF YOU HAVE MISSED MY FOOD PORN! ciao!

Le "V" Day, Le Date Day and Le Wednesday (2/14-16/11)

Le "V" of All Days - 2/14/11

Hoppy Valentine's Day Bunnies! Was it? Yes. Dana (LOVE OF MY LIFE) returned from Switzerland just as Emma, Dani and myself were thinking of leaving for the Tate Britain to review an exhibition of our choice. SHE TRAVELLED BY HERSELF, EVEN! Is is strange that I am so proud!?
Well, we went to the Tate Britain (first visit) and split up (Emma and Dani/Me and Dana) to pick a room in the Tate. What happened next just proves that dreams really do come true and some things in life are just the most free.
Dana and I were let into an exhibition by Susan Hiller for free by a lovely gentleman with a curious 'stache. After I inquired the price of the exhibit and let it slip that "my friend and I have to do a project on an exhibition but we, unfortunately, are poor college students and lack the funds to 'see' anything." Yeah...I put it was more casually then that...but as we turned to go back into the main gallery, this man picked up two booklets and insisted we go in for free as his "guests." THE KINDNESS OF HUMANITY!
This exhibit...I can't even describe how moving, thought provoking and pure this exhibit was. It was amazing. I can't even explain, it was such an amazing experience.
Well! Dana and I stayed there for over two hours and ended up heading home alone. So...we went to Tescos, got milk and ice cream (for it was Valentine's day and neither of us had a Valentine with us-THANKS A LOT TIMING!) to enjoy. I made dinner (can't remember what it was but I'll find it in the pictures!) and then we melted chocolate spread and Nutella and put that on our ice cream...Vanilla ice cream...the best Vanilla I have ever had in my life. OMD.
It was movie night and as we ate we watched The Queen and after I was able to chat with my boy. Oh the V of days...


Date Day with Dana! :) We went, this time, to Tina, We Salute You. It was definitely different then the cafes we have been going to. It was in the middle of Hackney and it was quite small. We sat at a large communal table with spreads in the middle. It's really a place to go by yourself and spend hours reading or on your laptop. You have your space but it's nice because you are never alone.
We got nomnomnommy sanwiches and then giant pieces of toast. We each had a cappuccino and then split a pot of tea which was served in a big tea pot and we received different and adorable tea cups.
We chatted about life like we always do but also had to work on our presentation based on Susan Hiller's exhibit. So artsy!
We went back to the flat, to class and then BEASTED our presentation. We both love to talk and explain and express things with wordddsssss. We were both passionate about what we were discussing and I am very happy that we were able to see her work and I am very happy we went together.


Wednesday...just the humpiest and PRE-ROWAN VISIT!!

I don't even remember what happened...Oh! Play Critique, Journalism, went home, cleaned, found out that Dana got a ticket to Penelope for Brandon. Just the sweetest! I talked to him for the last time with Facetime...the last time I would see him until we met in person...

Wednesday was a day that I wanted to be over the was a day filled with excitement and anticipation.

Scotland (Quick, Quick!) 2/12-13/11

Saturday 2/12/11

Well, the next morning I got ready, brought my bags downstairs and prepared myself to receive complimentary breakfast. No, no. That would be silly. The girl at the bar (cafe/lounge bar) told me that her manager didn't tell her of any deal that included breakfast.
One thing I cannot stand...people not keeping their word. So I angrily marched down the road and got a cheap cup of coffee and a box of cereal. Upon my return, I find out that she made a mistake...and breakfast was INDEED free. So, I went to the bar and got my money back (other people had paid three pounds for their breakfast) and because I was dissatisfied I got a free mug of tea and a free juice box. TAKE THAT LADY OF "DURHDURHDURH!!"
Anyways...I got on the bus and WOW!! We stopped in so many places and I took SO. MANY. PICTURES.
My tour guide was Gavin Hunter and he wore a kilt (tartan) the entire time. Rep-re-sent. He was fantastic, so funny and filled with so much knowledge that he took so much time to review as we drove over the Scotland hills.
My favorite stop of the trip was Inverary. It was absolutely gorgeous. I can't even describe how serene the loch and the little town was. I purchased Scottish candy and browsed their infamous whiskey shop (bought NOTHING). But really it was just so quaint. Also, Elaina and I purchased a box of biscuits for real cheap and they were diviiiiiinnneee! Irrelevant!
After driving around for hours we ended up in Oban, where our second and final Scottish hostel was located. It was super cute and homey which I really liked. They had free tea, coffee and hot chocolate all of the time and the guy working at the desk was incredibly friendly and kind. The lounge had a pool table, comfy couches, the kitchen area and a fireplace. After arriving, I sat by the fire with Elaina, Michelle, Natalie and Anna with a cup of tea. So wonderful. Made me miss being at home around Christmas this year.
We went out for dinner and after getting a suggestion from a woman from Wisconsin we ended up at the WORST place in the ENTIRETY OF SCOTLAND with the worst service and THE LAMEST EXCUSE FOR A CHEESE PLATE I HAVE EVER ORDERED IN MY ENTIRE LIFE. ABSOLUTELY POOP!
Oh well! Went to bed around 10:30/11 PM after hanging in the lounge, drinking a bowl of tea and watched people interact/play pool. I slept so well and for a good amount of time, too! Thankfully!


Woke up and had two cinnamon scones with jam, made a pb sandwich for later, got on the road and stopped a couple of places including a stop where we saw Hamish the great highland coo! So cute!
Before that, we drove through a part of Scotland that was a winter wonderland! I didn't get to experience a Jersey winter (SNOW!) and then, as we are driving on the coast, the rain turned to snow and before I knew it, we were driving through a BLIZZARD! From the comfort of my heated coach, I go to "experience" snow. That was nice.
The entire time I listened to Coldplay. It was horribly appropriate and their songs essentially portrayed the calm I was feeling.
The last stop of the day was at Stirling Castle. It was so beautiful but I must admit, castles (stone and history) don't really blow my mind. I would have preferred to explore the town.
After some time at Stirling Castle, we headed back to Edinburgh and hopped on a train that was to take only 4-5 hours...
WE HAD SOME LOVELY DELAYS THAT EXTENDED OUR JOURNEY BY 2 HOURS. COOL! SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO COOL!! Not. At. All. By the time I got back the Tube had closed and I had to take the Night Bus home. It wasn't terrible...but annoying.
I got home and was greeted (tackled) by an EXTREMELY excited and relieved Dani upon my return (I was two hours late and my little ladies (Emma and Dani) were worried! Awww!
It was a gorgeous night and I did not want to go to sleep right away and so Dani and I went on a walk to Portobello Road...the BACK way! Dani lead the way and arm-in-arm she showed me the cute streets and gorgeous architecture I had been living so close to but knew not of its existence.
What a perfect end to a gorgeous and peaceful trip.

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Edinburgh 2/11/11

Arrived in Scotland on Friday after 4.5 hours on the train...not bad, not bad. Edinburgh was absolutely gorgeous. Obviously it was a bleak day and it was quite cold but that didn't stop me from walking up, down and around the streets of Edinburgh to get to my hostel. I passed the Bank of Scotland, the Wallace Monument and other gorgeous forms of architecture. Let me tell you...Scotland has HILLS! I was absolutely ready for bed by the time we arrived at the Art Roch Hostel. No such luck. I had to wait in line (with my lovely and fellow sheep, as we were traveling in a flock with the shepherd Arcadia) outside the hostel to receive my linens which consisted of a duvet cover, a sheet and a pillowcase. I love being in the way of locals!!

Well worth it though...the hostel...absolutely the coolest and most hipster-friendly hostel I could have ever dreamed of! I am a bit upset that I only took a few shots and they all turned out blurry. Just imagine: Spray painted Bowie heads on the walls, random quotes (some inappropriate!), twinkly blue, white and hot pink lights randomly strewn about, signs for the beach, records on the walls and low, blue lighting. Absolutely rad.
But the best part was the lounge/cafe/lobby. Simply an array of couches (all different with random throw pillows), trunks as tables, obscure music magazines, stacks of books on shelves and any other surfaces, weird statues and plants and a mess of colors attacking the high walls and big windows. So. Cool. Yo. 
After getting settled in (a.k.a. ogling at the decor) I headed out with some lovely ladies to explore and get food. We walked into a vintage shop and after some tears (couldn't purchase anything) we asked where would be a good place to get "traditional" Scottish food. We were directed to Monster Mash and I ordered an Irn Bru (absolutely wretched, tasted like Emergen-C) and a Shepherd's Pie. SO FULL. I tried Haggis...which is definitely just the ground up stomach of a sheep...blorfghdfjgkhg (vomiting noises). It wasn't as bad as I had expected but it was very very thick and accompanied on the palette by "neeps and tatties" which are potatoes, carrots and turnips.

After dinner we went on a Mercet Tour which was essentially a historical ghost tour of Edinburgh. Our tour guide...possibly my favorite woman in the world. We learned about torture and I was used in a demonstration of two different styles of hanging...twas delightful! We were taken around and ended up in underground caverns which were occupied by some of the most "haunted" places in Britain. It was interesting...more so fun to see the reactions of some people. Our guide (Hayley) scared one girl so bad she fell on the floor...the cold, hard, stone floor...twas very funny.

Once the tour was over we were referred to a pub called Whistle Binkies (...I know...) by Hayley. So we went, I had a pint of Calder's and a shot of whiskey and we listened to a live band which was pretty neat (especially because I could NOT understand them when they talked in between songs). 
We headed back after a few songs (Michelle and I proud) and I went, immediately, to bed. 

Wednesday 16 February 2011

It's Been Awhile...2/11/11 (15:00)

For those of you that do not know, this past weekend I went to Scotland on a pre-planned Arcadia trip. It was amazing and I shall start in the beginning so that you can experience Scotland as I did.

From notes on the train to Scotland:

Been on the train for awhile. Met some fantastic people and I am just so happy that I am getting to know people that I am not familiar with...finally. I LOVE EVERYONE THAT I SPEND UNGODLY AMOUNTS OF TIME WITH but it is refreshing to get to know NEW people.

I had the best talk with Dana last night. I cleansed my mind over Frog Frozen Yoghurt (quite good, actually). Finally, I was able to lose track of time and just decide to live.

Anyways, today I got up earlier and I had a great shower and breakfast. I was able to take my time and avoid any sort of stress.

Unfortunately, Ty and Grace missed their plane to Stockholm due to an evil (scammsified) bus service that was to take them to the airport. Positive? They found a 1 Pound coffee and doughnut shop right near Buckingham Palace! WOO!

I left for King's Cross Station fairly early. When I arrived at the station I topped up my phone and had to call Ty to see where I was supposed to meet with the other students going on the trip...let's just say the e-mail didn't help very much. I did, however, eventually locate the others (after purchasing some coffee and a delicious sandwich!) and boarded the train. Now...sad news...due to construction...Platform 9 3/4 is now a piece of shiny plastic that looks like brick with a (more shopping then luggage) cart sticking out of the side. It's quite awful...I did not bother to even look.

Michelle and Me
I met a new friend, though! My friend's friend named Michelle. She goes to a Liberal Arts school in Nashville where everyone is so hipster it's horrifically conformist. Everyone shops at Urban Outfitters...we have the same shoes...heck yes.

I also met a SCOTSMAN! He reminded me of my English teacher Mr. O'Brien...eery.

Here are some phrases he taught me:

Ho you gemmie! Gimme a pint a heavy and a hoff a whisky! Tah!

Translation: Hey you girl! Give me a pint of beer and a shot of whisky! Thanks!

I wanth ma Queens (or Belhaven)!

Translation: I want my Queens (or Belhaven)!

Beat it or I'll poke your eye head!

Translation: Get away or I'll poke you in the eye! (Yes, this is a threat.)

Get offa me humf or imma give you a Glasgow kiss! 

My Table on the Train
Translation: Get off my back/Stop bothering me or I'm going to head-butt you!

You're being a little shite! 

Translation: You're being a little shit!

He was very kind and very informative. His father made his own whisky and apparently it was some of the most potent alcohol the Scotsman had ever come in contact with...he doesn't drink now...hmmm.

He also suggested I try Irn Bru, which is a soda (ginger) that can be compared to Coco Cola or Pepsi (popularity wise).

The scenery is incredible and I am so excited to get there! I can't tell if we have entered Scotland or not, though.

I absolutely love train rides...and sometimes I prefer the journey to the destination.

Thursday 10 February 2011

Ze 9th and Ze 10th of Ze Month (2/9-10/11)

Yesterday was a mild and mellow day. I surprisingly experienced a sarcastic calm (if that makes sense) the entire day and therefore acted in the manner of one who doesn't care (about the opinions of others). So, I went to Play Critique and then found out that Tylyn's 4 Pound per plate of pasta place is Comida Mexicana (the cheap cafe where the ladies and myself enjoyed lunch the first day at City University). I had a Mocha there, which was divine, and then right after we went to Journalism. 
Headed back to the flat, made dinner super fast and then headed over to the Old Vic Theatre where we saw A Flea in Her Ear which was quite funny. 

The way home...lots of silliness...sat on the escalator, danced down the street and in the halls of the Tube Station and sang the "ticking noise" song with the ladies...I was Dumbledore. 

Comida Mexicana Mocha
Anyway...enjoyed my Peach/Wheat yogurt and went to bed way too late...bad news. But, I didn't go to class today. Dani made me coffee and my Kix and I got to the doctor right on time. They wear looked like a really nice house with big comfy chairs in the waiting room...the doctor's office I went into was up the stairs, behind a huge wooden door and carpeted. It was incredibly comfortable. Got back to the flat and I went to bed at 12:30 PM and was woken up by good Mummy Dana at 5:30 PM. I wuv my woommate. <3 Stayed in and did some work, ate some dinner (leftover Brocolli/Cheese Bake with two fried eggs and a piece of toast) and will be going to Frog soon. It is a frozen yogurt place down the Twist in Princeton...but just NOT TWIST! :'(

Oh...and I found out something bout miss Dana...the one who has given me lots of the poopoo for listening to Justin Bieber's "Somebody to Love" remix...has "One Time" on her iTunes. It was on shuffle...she started singing it...AND THEREFORE I WIN!

I am going to Scotland tomorrow...TOMORROW! SCOTLAND! WHAT UP! It's going to be weird not being in London this weekend. Dana will be in Switzerland visiting her friend and Ty/Grace will be in Stockholm. SO Dani and Emma are gonna have a good and chills weekend. 

I'm excited. Today was one of the few days it really rained in London since I have been here. It was actually a nice change...especially because I needed to sleep very badly. 

Wednesday 9 February 2011

"It's like I've been magically transported to a futuristic zoo..." 2/8/11

February 8th 2011
Notting Hill Gate Circle/District Line
LJ <3
I can't even believe how amazing this day was. "Absolutely brilliant" is most definitely an understatement.

It was a Tuesday and therefore Dana and my "Date Day." I love that we have a little tradition in London, especially because we have met the most extraordinary people and seen the most marvelous sights.
AMAZING Cappuccino
When Dana and I finally got to LJ Coffee House and realized what we wanted to became clear that we were 1) American and that 2) We were going to have an eye-opening and completely charismatic experience. Dana and I compliment each other very the point where those who experience our audible exchanges make quite a variety of observations and/or suggestions. From the time we walked into the coffee house of love and fabulousity, we traveled around a never-ending cycle of fits, giggles, inside jokes, sarcastic remarks (in the friendliest of ways) and good conversation with the owner LJ. 

The Flat White with LJ's Talent on the Top
Crumpets with Golden Syrup
He made it clear that he was incredibly and most cleverly sarcastic and that he would be using the fact that we were American to his (comedic) advantage. Dana and I have been told many things by our observers: We should have a web show. We could be our own sitcom. We don't need any other form of entertainment....
Lemon, Blueberry Cake - Super Lemony!! 
But on this day...a new observation was made by our beloved LJ...
In between chats with LJ, Dana and I decided to play our "face of an oxymoron" game. We went back and forth putting on our beset "ferociously happy" and "menacingly sympathetic" faces and after we finished (essentially, the first round), LJ made the comment:
"It's like I've been magically transported to a futuristic zoo!!"! While in the coffee house, we wished aloud for a Flat White, after LJ nonchalantly mentioned that he could create the face of a Native American on the top with cream, and he brought us one to share with a Native American head on its top. 

Notice the LIP Chairs
He also informed Dana and I, after I had asked what was in the porridge, that the porridge contained Oompa Loompas that had gotten old, turned gray, died and had been made into the delicious porridge...why so funny?!?!

The Jonas Brothers and James McAvoy had eaten at LJ's...which may have been freaked out about (a little bit) by Dana. 

At about 2:30 PM we had to depart this most lovely Soho coffee I have been in (it's the and after arriving back at the flat, made sandwiches and headed to Kensington Gardens to read before class. 
THEN!! We had class which was delightful as always. Even though the night didn't end so smoothly, it was an amazing day filled with appreciation, good spirits, a lovely barrister an the promise of adventure. I was happy on this day. :) 

Reading Before Class
First of all, THE SUN WAS SHINING SO INCREDIBLY BRIGHTLY! That alone made the day instantly PHENOMENAL!  

Tuesday 8 February 2011

February 6th-7th 2011

February 6th 2011

Got up early and met my Aunt Kathy at the Intercontinental Hotel on Hyde Park Corner. We were supposed to have brunch at 11 AM but when I arrived, and saw her for the first time after five years, she informed me that they did not serve brunch until 12:30 PM. Ok, London...brunch is not supposed to be at lunch time...I'm sorry...that is just incorrect.

So we went on an adventure down a couple of streets and found a seemingly good place (it seemed busy enough and therefore assumed that it was quality service). We had an amazing BRUNCH and fantastic conversation (never ending stories and laughs)...however...during our two hour brunch...we realized that the service was just not fantastic. Hehehehehehe.

Short version:

Walked in, sat down, guy took my menu back after I ordered my drink and I had to politely inform him that I also needed to look at the menu to decide what food I would be ordering...yeah, ordered a cafe latte...12 minutes later I was brought a cappuccino...wrong...had to tell the waitress...she looked distressed the entire time she was serving us...scared...and like she was used to screwing up or being took away my "cappuccino", ordered the Summer Berry Pancake (crepes) but I said "Mixed Berry Pancake" instead of "Summer Berry Pancake" and the gentleman who took my order looked as if he just lost a dog in a I had to point to the item on the menu...yeah...and he took our menus and left, frightened waitress came back with my cafe latte...15 minutes later, got our food, ate our food (NOMNOMNOMNOM)...then my Aunt Kathy encouraged me to order another cafe latte insisting because it (she predicted) would take at least 20 minutes to bring it to me...mind you...we were one of three tables that were occupied in the entire restaurant, I ordered a cappuccino and she ordered a coffee...20 minutes later she was brought a cafe latte...and we sent it cappuccino was lovely though, then...after we were alllll done...we asked for the check...and so did a couple sitting right next to us...and we both sent the money back...she brought back the the same time and put our change and the receipt on the table...then double checked it and put it on the table next to the gentleman at the table looked at it and nonchalantly handed it to us and said, "Yeah, this is definitely yours..."...CLASSICCCCCCCCC <3!

But we had a nice time! Then we went back to the hotel and she gave me a care package that contained Kix, walnuts, Craisins and gum!!! SO GOOD!

Went back to the flat and then headed to Chinatown with Dana and Dani and after getting sucked into a crazy crowd and not being able to move and seeing a dragon dance, we met up with Ty and had dinner at the WORST place with ridiculous portions  and hilariously atrocious service...but really. I didn't purchase anything from that place but I did bring my Vegetable Bun and Chicken Bun that I got from a vendor and have been searching for MY WHOLE LIFE...DAY MADE!

Alas, the Chinatown in London is terrible...and the coconut buns are much better in Philly...
Just Not the Best Coconut Bun...
Buns <3
February 7th 2011

Broccoli and Cheese Bake 

........woke up late and went to Tescos...then I made a Cheese and Broccoli Bake which was AMAZINGGG and then we watched The Queen...and had a fantastic conversation about hamsters with Phillip. :)

Kiwis, Brick Lane and Nutella 2/5/11


Woke up, decided to go to Brick Lane and what do we see on the way there?! A MOB OF DRUNK KIWIS!!!! Oh these lovely New Zealanders were dressed in costumes and stumbling over the bottles that periodically rolled under their feet. We definitely mingled (meaning took pictures and stared with smiles fixed on our faces) and then proceeded to get on three trains to get to Brick Lane.

Oh Brick Lane!! Just so much vintage. So much vintage.
Highlights? Got a dress...a very special dress... ;) as well as a shirt/jacket/dress! Who loves multipurpose clothing?? This kid.
Also...definitely got a bacon cheeseburger only because the BUNNN LOOKED AMAZING! It was delicious.

Then...on our way back to the station I got a DIRTY SANCHEZ at Brick Lane Cafe...which is a drink and not the Hoagie Haven GODSEND. Ready? White Chocolate, Dark Chocolate, Caramel and Coffee in a cup with whipped cream on top. Love. 

The cafe was so cool too! Just so funny and "indie." Only good news.
After returning to the flat we chilled and I did laundry (WOO...not) and THEN Ty and I made dinner. 

OH DINNER! Ready?? Pasta with a sauce (bacon, sauteed mushrooms/onions/peas in milk/cream sauce - no bacon for Dana <3) and toasted baguette! SO GOOD!

Then...after a plateful of pasta and SO MANY LAUGHS we made...ready...NUTELLA HOT CHOCOLATE!!!!!!

This has been a really chill weekend so far...probably not a great idea that I am up so late still...but I get to see my Aunt Kathy tomorrow so I am just fine! ...and I haven't seen her in five years! 

But really...Pro

Saturday 5 February 2011

One Pound and Forty Pence...Yep.

February 4th 2011

Went to Portobello Market with Ty and found out that my card was disabled AGAIN! So...I had literally one pound and 40 pence in my pocket to buy food. We walked and gawked and chatted about life, searched for ugly sweaters and I purchased a present for my beautiful Jordy as well as onions...eight for one pound...they like to roll away though...yeah. Jumped out of my bag and rolled down the road...into the hands of a lovely awkward.

It was a rough day BUT we lightened the mood with HOMEMADE CARAMEL DELIGHTS MADE BY TYLYN AND DANI AND GIRL TIME/TALK <3

Really...after all the bad...friends and food turned out to be the best therapy. <3


AWESOME Coffee Place At the End of Portobello Market

Toast with Sauteed Mushrooms and Onion and Beef with A Fried Egg ON TOP <3


I enjoyed a sugar high...first one in London. Sorry girls. :)
And I got to Skype with ma bronskie which was divine! Good news!!

Me, Myself and the Sun

February 3rd 2011 

I explored. I walked and observed and appreciated only with myself. I had no accomplice to make comments to, nor did I have any desire to go to one specific place. I was able to isolate myself. We went to the National Gallery this morning for art class and when we were dismissed, I stayed at the Gallery and Dana, Emma and Dani left. I perused the corridors and meticulously numbered rooms (three of which I especially cared for).

Being alone gives me such a sense of accomplishment...considering I am one who resides in an electronically dependent age. The other day, I read an article on how to detox an electronic addiction...the need to be connected to other people at all times...have people then lost their ability to be happy alone? If only for awhile?

I am an introvert, though. That has become clear to me in college...but I digress...
I was my own person. I only had my eyes, ears, breath and feet working as I wove a tangled web of memories and satisfied wishes. 

I was not lost but no one knew where I was...which was a fun thing to think about. The entire experience was a journey of observation...I love feeling like nothing more than a fly on the wall. My walk was fueled by the sun and my understanding that this sort of day was incredibly rare. There were so many things going on but it wasn't noisy. I think it was because, for the first time in a long time, everyone in the city was content. 

It was absolutely therapeutic and I took no pictures. I shall have to rely on my brain to remember where I went and the amazing things I saw. 


I met all of the pictures...have a new FB friend...and this was the one month anniversary of my life in Lundun....ABSOLUTELY PERFECT! So, we celebrated and swooned over the actors and lived life to the fullest. 

Happy one month London <3

Wednesday 2 February 2011

OH HELLO NEW MONTH! February 1st and 2nd 2011

February 1st 2011 

Welcome to Kaffeine. The choice Café for Dana and my “Date Day.”

I found this café on a blog about coffee (yes, of course I would read a blog like that) and was immediately drawn to the fact that their food menu (starting January 28th) was remade to include dishes specific to New Zealand…yeh. Flight of the Conchords…yis. 

It took a great deal of trouble to find…darn you Google Maps. We walked far down the wrong street and then when we could NOT find the right street we had to ask a very kind woman in a travel agency who guided us down three streets.

On our way we passes a second The Champion (obviously not as good as ours) and a cute but more modern café that sold porridge…so cute! We approached Kaffeine and its foggy windows and modest sign invited us into the friendly and comfortable atmosphere.

Oh. My. Goodness. Absolutely fell in love! First of all, the room was so warm and cozy and full of wooden, square stools and tall tables with jam and sugar on the top of each. Each person that came into the shop, and there was a frequent flow of customers, had definitely been there before. Dana and I, once again stood out as not only foreign but MOST DEFINTELY American. It was at this moment that we made an observation: almost one third of our photographs taken in London have been of our food…so proud.  The New Zealand style food was riddled with kiwis and uniqueness.

Outside an Art Studio 
Went to class after such an amazing day and then just understood completely what I do NOT want to do with my life. We went to the Woodmill which is an old business complex that was turned into a charity that housed working artists. They have their own studios and live in the building…and produce art. It was fascinating but just the last place I ever want to be. HOW things change!

Right Column Pictures/Top to Bottom: Two Cafe Lattes and Dana's Pumpkin Chili Soup, My Toasted Baguette with Pears, Onion Jam, Brie and Rocket, Lamington (New Zealand Dessert/Sponge Cake Dipped in Chocolate and Rolled in Shredded Coconut with Cream Inside, Kiwi Friand...UGH! so...good. 

February 2nd 2011

Emma, Jiles, Dan and Me
Just a FANTASTIC DAY! Thank goodness for time making everything better.

Woke up early and took my time having breakfast which was so nice before this long day. FINALLY was smart enough to bring my Ipod on the Tube…that’s why Wednesdays were always so bad…because I never had music to 1) Wake me up! nor 2) CHEER ME UP WHEN I NEEDED IT!!!!

Today in Play Critique we talked about The Rivals (the play we saw last week) and had a fantastic discussion/critique on all aspects of the production. THEN…ohmagosh…THE MAN WHO PLAYED HORATIO IN HAMLET (Jiles Terera) came to speak to our class and answer questions! SO DOWN TO EARTH and so incredibly funny…and I definitely asked 75% of the questions.

Then to Café CoCo with Grace and Ty for a croissant and Cafe Latte which were scrumptious and then we headed to Journalism and spent three hours chillin and doin some mad chill exercises. I really do enjoy that class…it’s just a bit long.

Dana, Dani and Angela Making Our AMAZING Dinner
ANYWAY!! Went back to the flat (ended up getting separated from Ty and Grace…whoops!) and found Dani and Dana cooking dinner…cooking. Dinner. Cooking. Dana. WOW! So I got to relax and wait (2hr25) for dindin. In the meantime I was able to do some much-needed Skyping with my sister and Jonathan (and Connor and Barry and for a mo’…Austin and Nick) which just cheered me up even more! When all the food was ready (fries, meat and veggie burgers and Smirnoff Ice) we all sat down without any electronics and had a FEROCIOUSLY PHENOMENAL family meal.

After, we cleaned and ran allll ze way to see Black Swan. It was not what I expected at all…but I would definitely like to see it again…Natalie Portman was stunning.

So! Back to the flat, some chattin with the love and now to bed to bed because I am a sleepy head!

Tomorrow…I am going to see a Toulouse! 

............oh........and 14 days. 

Monday 31 January 2011

Too Many 12 PMs

Today. Not superb but we got eggs and dates and such from the lovely Portobello...and what did I do? I walked back home by myself. Which was amazing. It is all that I needed to wake up and realize once again how amazing it is that I am in London. Across the freaking pond!

Alas, this walk restored my faith in walks and the beauty of being alone. Here are some of my favorite things I pass on my walk from Portobello Market to Palace Court.

The Worn Brick Walls
The Colorful Shops, Each with Its Own Personality

All I Have Ever Wanted in a House

The Flowers That Are Still SO ALIVE Despite This Cold
Ty and Grace are back and we watched An Education tonight. Lovely film.

January 29th-30th 2011

It's amazing all of the phenomenal things that can happen when nothing is going on at all!

January 29th - First, woke up super late after our celebration the night before and Emma (my beautiful mummy <3) made Dana, Dani and I crepes. We had the most fun even though we were inside until 7:30 PM that night! Went to Thoresby to visit our friend Dan, made it back to Palace before the Tube closed, and hung out in the kitchen for hours. Emma made me a grilled cheese with tomatoes on it and Dana made me toast with Nutella, PB, Strawberry and Apricot Jam. Sure we went to bed super late and with full bellies, but it was a lovely evening! <3

January 30th - Simple day. Woke up around 12:45 PM and made an omlette with mushrooms, peppers, onions and mild cheddar cheese with Dana while we listened to the Jonas Brothers. Ate that with some coffee (PROVIDED AGAIN BY EMMA!?!?!?) and toast with Apricot Jam which was divine! Tried to get to Portobello Market before the sun set...made it when it started to set and then headed to Tescos after we realized the food stands shut down way before the sun sets on Sundays...oh well!
I hadn't been feeling to well the whole day and finally Dani, Dana and Emma sent me to my room to lie down. Thank goodness they were persistent. Dana made the dinner I thought up (sauteed peppers, mushrooms, onions, carrots and potatoes baked on top of wheat bread with mild cheddar cheese on top of that) and I had that with a cup of tea that she made me too. :) Lovely, lovely.
After all of the dishes were clean and bellies full we made our way to our English friends' flat over in Finsbury Park. It was a fantastic time and I am so happy to know people who ACTUALLY ARE FROM LONDON (or "the north" in Ellis' case)!! We left around 11:30 PM so that we would get the Tube back...but the line was closed and we then had to take a bus. Getting lost has actually just shown us how very small London's amazing really. We ended up in Trafalgar Square and walked to Leichester Square (which is where I had to go to get to the Zoo Bar) and then figured out that we would need to take the 390 bus to get to Notting Hill Gate.
It was a long journey and a bit confusing but now we know...390...not 207. :) Off to bed right's been a good, long weekend.