Tuesday 8 February 2011

February 6th-7th 2011

February 6th 2011

Got up early and met my Aunt Kathy at the Intercontinental Hotel on Hyde Park Corner. We were supposed to have brunch at 11 AM but when I arrived, and saw her for the first time after five years, she informed me that they did not serve brunch until 12:30 PM. Ok, London...brunch is not supposed to be at lunch time...I'm sorry...that is just incorrect.

So we went on an adventure down a couple of streets and found a seemingly good place (it seemed busy enough and therefore assumed that it was quality service). We had an amazing BRUNCH and fantastic conversation (never ending stories and laughs)...however...during our two hour brunch...we realized that the service was just not fantastic. Hehehehehehe.

Short version:

Walked in, sat down, guy took my menu back after I ordered my drink and I had to politely inform him that I also needed to look at the menu to decide what food I would be ordering...yeah, ordered a cafe latte...12 minutes later I was brought a cappuccino...wrong...had to tell the waitress...she looked distressed the entire time she was serving us...scared...and like she was used to screwing up or being reprimanded...so...she took away my "cappuccino", ordered the Summer Berry Pancake (crepes) but I said "Mixed Berry Pancake" instead of "Summer Berry Pancake" and the gentleman who took my order looked as if he just lost a dog in a fire...really...so I had to point to the item on the menu...yeah...and he took our menus and left, frightened waitress came back with my cafe latte...15 minutes later, got our food, ate our food (NOMNOMNOMNOM)...then my Aunt Kathy encouraged me to order another cafe latte insisting because it (she predicted) would take at least 20 minutes to bring it to me...mind you...we were one of three tables that were occupied in the entire restaurant, I ordered a cappuccino and she ordered a coffee...20 minutes later she was brought a cafe latte...and we sent it back...my cappuccino was lovely though, then...after we were alllll done...we asked for the check...and so did a couple sitting right next to us...and we both sent the money back...she brought back the checks...at the same time and put our change and the receipt on the table...then double checked it and put it on the table next to us...so the gentleman at the table looked at it and nonchalantly handed it to us and said, "Yeah, this is definitely yours..."...CLASSICCCCCCCCC <3!

But we had a nice time! Then we went back to the hotel and she gave me a care package that contained Kix, walnuts, Craisins and gum!!! SO GOOD!

Went back to the flat and then headed to Chinatown with Dana and Dani and after getting sucked into a crazy crowd and not being able to move and seeing a dragon dance, we met up with Ty and had dinner at the WORST place with ridiculous portions  and hilariously atrocious service...but really. I didn't purchase anything from that place but I did bring my Vegetable Bun and Chicken Bun that I got from a vendor and have been searching for MY WHOLE LIFE...DAY MADE!

Alas, the Chinatown in London is terrible...and the coconut buns are much better in Philly...
Just Not the Best Coconut Bun...
Buns <3
February 7th 2011

Broccoli and Cheese Bake 

........woke up late and went to Tescos...then I made a Cheese and Broccoli Bake which was AMAZINGGG and then we watched The Queen...and had a fantastic conversation about hamsters with Phillip. :)

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