Tuesday 8 February 2011

Kiwis, Brick Lane and Nutella 2/5/11


Woke up, decided to go to Brick Lane and what do we see on the way there?! A MOB OF DRUNK KIWIS!!!! Oh these lovely New Zealanders were dressed in costumes and stumbling over the bottles that periodically rolled under their feet. We definitely mingled (meaning took pictures and stared with smiles fixed on our faces) and then proceeded to get on three trains to get to Brick Lane.

Oh Brick Lane!! Just so much vintage. So much vintage.
Highlights? Got a dress...a very special dress... ;) as well as a shirt/jacket/dress! Who loves multipurpose clothing?? This kid.
Also...definitely got a bacon cheeseburger only because the BUNNN LOOKED AMAZING! It was delicious.

Then...on our way back to the station I got a DIRTY SANCHEZ at Brick Lane Cafe...which is a drink and not the Hoagie Haven GODSEND. Ready? White Chocolate, Dark Chocolate, Caramel and Coffee in a cup with whipped cream on top. Love. 

The cafe was so cool too! Just so funny and "indie." Only good news.
After returning to the flat we chilled and I did laundry (WOO...not) and THEN Ty and I made dinner. 

OH DINNER! Ready?? Pasta with a sauce (bacon, sauteed mushrooms/onions/peas in milk/cream sauce - no bacon for Dana <3) and toasted baguette! SO GOOD!

Then...after a plateful of pasta and SO MANY LAUGHS we made...ready...NUTELLA HOT CHOCOLATE!!!!!!

This has been a really chill weekend so far...probably not a great idea that I am up so late still...but I get to see my Aunt Kathy tomorrow so I am just fine! ...and I haven't seen her in five years! 

But really...Pro

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