Thursday 10 February 2011

Ze 9th and Ze 10th of Ze Month (2/9-10/11)

Yesterday was a mild and mellow day. I surprisingly experienced a sarcastic calm (if that makes sense) the entire day and therefore acted in the manner of one who doesn't care (about the opinions of others). So, I went to Play Critique and then found out that Tylyn's 4 Pound per plate of pasta place is Comida Mexicana (the cheap cafe where the ladies and myself enjoyed lunch the first day at City University). I had a Mocha there, which was divine, and then right after we went to Journalism. 
Headed back to the flat, made dinner super fast and then headed over to the Old Vic Theatre where we saw A Flea in Her Ear which was quite funny. 

The way home...lots of silliness...sat on the escalator, danced down the street and in the halls of the Tube Station and sang the "ticking noise" song with the ladies...I was Dumbledore. 

Comida Mexicana Mocha
Anyway...enjoyed my Peach/Wheat yogurt and went to bed way too late...bad news. But, I didn't go to class today. Dani made me coffee and my Kix and I got to the doctor right on time. They wear looked like a really nice house with big comfy chairs in the waiting room...the doctor's office I went into was up the stairs, behind a huge wooden door and carpeted. It was incredibly comfortable. Got back to the flat and I went to bed at 12:30 PM and was woken up by good Mummy Dana at 5:30 PM. I wuv my woommate. <3 Stayed in and did some work, ate some dinner (leftover Brocolli/Cheese Bake with two fried eggs and a piece of toast) and will be going to Frog soon. It is a frozen yogurt place down the Twist in Princeton...but just NOT TWIST! :'(

Oh...and I found out something bout miss Dana...the one who has given me lots of the poopoo for listening to Justin Bieber's "Somebody to Love" remix...has "One Time" on her iTunes. It was on shuffle...she started singing it...AND THEREFORE I WIN!

I am going to Scotland tomorrow...TOMORROW! SCOTLAND! WHAT UP! It's going to be weird not being in London this weekend. Dana will be in Switzerland visiting her friend and Ty/Grace will be in Stockholm. SO Dani and Emma are gonna have a good and chills weekend. 

I'm excited. Today was one of the few days it really rained in London since I have been here. It was actually a nice change...especially because I needed to sleep very badly. 

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