Wednesday 2 February 2011

OH HELLO NEW MONTH! February 1st and 2nd 2011

February 1st 2011 

Welcome to Kaffeine. The choice Café for Dana and my “Date Day.”

I found this café on a blog about coffee (yes, of course I would read a blog like that) and was immediately drawn to the fact that their food menu (starting January 28th) was remade to include dishes specific to New Zealand…yeh. Flight of the Conchords…yis. 

It took a great deal of trouble to find…darn you Google Maps. We walked far down the wrong street and then when we could NOT find the right street we had to ask a very kind woman in a travel agency who guided us down three streets.

On our way we passes a second The Champion (obviously not as good as ours) and a cute but more modern café that sold porridge…so cute! We approached Kaffeine and its foggy windows and modest sign invited us into the friendly and comfortable atmosphere.

Oh. My. Goodness. Absolutely fell in love! First of all, the room was so warm and cozy and full of wooden, square stools and tall tables with jam and sugar on the top of each. Each person that came into the shop, and there was a frequent flow of customers, had definitely been there before. Dana and I, once again stood out as not only foreign but MOST DEFINTELY American. It was at this moment that we made an observation: almost one third of our photographs taken in London have been of our food…so proud.  The New Zealand style food was riddled with kiwis and uniqueness.

Outside an Art Studio 
Went to class after such an amazing day and then just understood completely what I do NOT want to do with my life. We went to the Woodmill which is an old business complex that was turned into a charity that housed working artists. They have their own studios and live in the building…and produce art. It was fascinating but just the last place I ever want to be. HOW things change!

Right Column Pictures/Top to Bottom: Two Cafe Lattes and Dana's Pumpkin Chili Soup, My Toasted Baguette with Pears, Onion Jam, Brie and Rocket, Lamington (New Zealand Dessert/Sponge Cake Dipped in Chocolate and Rolled in Shredded Coconut with Cream Inside, Kiwi Friand...UGH! so...good. 

February 2nd 2011

Emma, Jiles, Dan and Me
Just a FANTASTIC DAY! Thank goodness for time making everything better.

Woke up early and took my time having breakfast which was so nice before this long day. FINALLY was smart enough to bring my Ipod on the Tube…that’s why Wednesdays were always so bad…because I never had music to 1) Wake me up! nor 2) CHEER ME UP WHEN I NEEDED IT!!!!

Today in Play Critique we talked about The Rivals (the play we saw last week) and had a fantastic discussion/critique on all aspects of the production. THEN…ohmagosh…THE MAN WHO PLAYED HORATIO IN HAMLET (Jiles Terera) came to speak to our class and answer questions! SO DOWN TO EARTH and so incredibly funny…and I definitely asked 75% of the questions.

Then to Café CoCo with Grace and Ty for a croissant and Cafe Latte which were scrumptious and then we headed to Journalism and spent three hours chillin and doin some mad chill exercises. I really do enjoy that class…it’s just a bit long.

Dana, Dani and Angela Making Our AMAZING Dinner
ANYWAY!! Went back to the flat (ended up getting separated from Ty and Grace…whoops!) and found Dani and Dana cooking dinner…cooking. Dinner. Cooking. Dana. WOW! So I got to relax and wait (2hr25) for dindin. In the meantime I was able to do some much-needed Skyping with my sister and Jonathan (and Connor and Barry and for a mo’…Austin and Nick) which just cheered me up even more! When all the food was ready (fries, meat and veggie burgers and Smirnoff Ice) we all sat down without any electronics and had a FEROCIOUSLY PHENOMENAL family meal.

After, we cleaned and ran allll ze way to see Black Swan. It was not what I expected at all…but I would definitely like to see it again…Natalie Portman was stunning.

So! Back to the flat, some chattin with the love and now to bed to bed because I am a sleepy head!

Tomorrow…I am going to see a Toulouse! 

............oh........and 14 days. 

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