Wednesday 16 February 2011

It's Been Awhile...2/11/11 (15:00)

For those of you that do not know, this past weekend I went to Scotland on a pre-planned Arcadia trip. It was amazing and I shall start in the beginning so that you can experience Scotland as I did.

From notes on the train to Scotland:

Been on the train for awhile. Met some fantastic people and I am just so happy that I am getting to know people that I am not familiar with...finally. I LOVE EVERYONE THAT I SPEND UNGODLY AMOUNTS OF TIME WITH but it is refreshing to get to know NEW people.

I had the best talk with Dana last night. I cleansed my mind over Frog Frozen Yoghurt (quite good, actually). Finally, I was able to lose track of time and just decide to live.

Anyways, today I got up earlier and I had a great shower and breakfast. I was able to take my time and avoid any sort of stress.

Unfortunately, Ty and Grace missed their plane to Stockholm due to an evil (scammsified) bus service that was to take them to the airport. Positive? They found a 1 Pound coffee and doughnut shop right near Buckingham Palace! WOO!

I left for King's Cross Station fairly early. When I arrived at the station I topped up my phone and had to call Ty to see where I was supposed to meet with the other students going on the trip...let's just say the e-mail didn't help very much. I did, however, eventually locate the others (after purchasing some coffee and a delicious sandwich!) and boarded the train. Now...sad news...due to construction...Platform 9 3/4 is now a piece of shiny plastic that looks like brick with a (more shopping then luggage) cart sticking out of the side. It's quite awful...I did not bother to even look.

Michelle and Me
I met a new friend, though! My friend's friend named Michelle. She goes to a Liberal Arts school in Nashville where everyone is so hipster it's horrifically conformist. Everyone shops at Urban Outfitters...we have the same shoes...heck yes.

I also met a SCOTSMAN! He reminded me of my English teacher Mr. O'Brien...eery.

Here are some phrases he taught me:

Ho you gemmie! Gimme a pint a heavy and a hoff a whisky! Tah!

Translation: Hey you girl! Give me a pint of beer and a shot of whisky! Thanks!

I wanth ma Queens (or Belhaven)!

Translation: I want my Queens (or Belhaven)!

Beat it or I'll poke your eye head!

Translation: Get away or I'll poke you in the eye! (Yes, this is a threat.)

Get offa me humf or imma give you a Glasgow kiss! 

My Table on the Train
Translation: Get off my back/Stop bothering me or I'm going to head-butt you!

You're being a little shite! 

Translation: You're being a little shit!

He was very kind and very informative. His father made his own whisky and apparently it was some of the most potent alcohol the Scotsman had ever come in contact with...he doesn't drink now...hmmm.

He also suggested I try Irn Bru, which is a soda (ginger) that can be compared to Coco Cola or Pepsi (popularity wise).

The scenery is incredible and I am so excited to get there! I can't tell if we have entered Scotland or not, though.

I absolutely love train rides...and sometimes I prefer the journey to the destination.

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