Monday 31 January 2011

January 29th-30th 2011

It's amazing all of the phenomenal things that can happen when nothing is going on at all!

January 29th - First, woke up super late after our celebration the night before and Emma (my beautiful mummy <3) made Dana, Dani and I crepes. We had the most fun even though we were inside until 7:30 PM that night! Went to Thoresby to visit our friend Dan, made it back to Palace before the Tube closed, and hung out in the kitchen for hours. Emma made me a grilled cheese with tomatoes on it and Dana made me toast with Nutella, PB, Strawberry and Apricot Jam. Sure we went to bed super late and with full bellies, but it was a lovely evening! <3

January 30th - Simple day. Woke up around 12:45 PM and made an omlette with mushrooms, peppers, onions and mild cheddar cheese with Dana while we listened to the Jonas Brothers. Ate that with some coffee (PROVIDED AGAIN BY EMMA!?!?!?) and toast with Apricot Jam which was divine! Tried to get to Portobello Market before the sun set...made it when it started to set and then headed to Tescos after we realized the food stands shut down way before the sun sets on Sundays...oh well!
I hadn't been feeling to well the whole day and finally Dani, Dana and Emma sent me to my room to lie down. Thank goodness they were persistent. Dana made the dinner I thought up (sauteed peppers, mushrooms, onions, carrots and potatoes baked on top of wheat bread with mild cheddar cheese on top of that) and I had that with a cup of tea that she made me too. :) Lovely, lovely.
After all of the dishes were clean and bellies full we made our way to our English friends' flat over in Finsbury Park. It was a fantastic time and I am so happy to know people who ACTUALLY ARE FROM LONDON (or "the north" in Ellis' case)!! We left around 11:30 PM so that we would get the Tube back...but the line was closed and we then had to take a bus. Getting lost has actually just shown us how very small London's amazing really. We ended up in Trafalgar Square and walked to Leichester Square (which is where I had to go to get to the Zoo Bar) and then figured out that we would need to take the 390 bus to get to Notting Hill Gate.
It was a long journey and a bit confusing but now we know...390...not 207. :) Off to bed right's been a good, long weekend.


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