Saturday 22 January 2011

A Wee Bit of Chester

Today was absolutely mad in the most delightful way! I woke up around 9:30 AM and got ready for the day. I ate breakfast (sunflower seed and pumpkin toast with homemade jam and tea) with me host mum and watched Miss Potter (with Renee Zellweger and Ewan McGregor...ugh so good). It was such a lovely way to slowly wake up. Sitting on a couch, watching a heartwarming movie, drinking a cup of tea and being snuggled by a little kitty, even. :)

After Dan woke up and we chatted about shopping and what we were to do today, we headed into the town of Chester which is about five minutes down the road from our home. We parked and walked into town. We looked in many of our host-mum's favorite restaurants and then went to the information center. Then we went to the Chester Cathedral which we could only look at from the outside for there was a 4 pound charge to get in. I bought a postcard from a gentleman who attempted an American accent...I hope to hear more "American" accents while in the UK. 

Me host mum, Dan and I then walked around the walls of Chester (gorgeous, moss-covered walls that run around the city) which was fantastic! We walked and walked along the wall and passed the Cathedral again and passed under the famous clock and ended up at the river. By the time we got into the rows (second story shops) my body was so frozen. We did shop though! We went to one store which I cannot remember the name of and then we went into H&M...I do like the Chester H&M. Indeed. We found a pub and I had a veggie burger, chips and Strongbow cider which was divine! Then we made our way back to the car and stopped in a drug store and I purchased my hair dyeeee (semi-permanent!) and shampoo. I cannot wait! But I got some fantastic items for a very good price. 

We then headed back to the house and chatted with Abbie (host sister I guess) and her friends. It was very funny because her one friend was 18, the other 20, and they both thought I was older...whereas I thought they appeared older than I did. I guess that is how it generally works? They were incredibly sweet, though, and we shared fun stories and information about the UK and the US (comparison of McDonald's, alcohol and accents) and I did my English accent for them...they thought I was quite good! Proudness right here.

Around 8:30 PM Dan and I were taken to the pub by Christine (host mum) and enjoyed a night with the whole FYSAE crew and I tried some lovely drinks...and had my first shot with Dana. :) Apple Sourz...and then also tried some Archers with lemonade and others...nonetheless divine! There was karaoke which was oodles of fun and the atmosphere was completely relaxed and encouraged the outlandish singing of "Toxic" by Britney Spears with Dana... 
After a lovely and loud (couldn't hear out of my left ear for a bit) evening (around 11:30 PM) we were taken home by Christine and hung out with Abbie and her other friend. We drank with them and showed them where we lived in New Jersey (one kid who stayed here before gave a book of New Jersey as a gift!) and chatted/laughed with them in English accents. They say "Cheers" instead of "Thank you" and say "Hey-yah" instead of "Hello." It's quite darling! It was so nice hanging out with people my own age who are actually from the UK! They really were amazing and it is a darn shame that we were only here for two nights and leave tomorrow. I am very sad about it really... 

But! ON A HAPPY NOTE! Today (well, yesterday now since I stayed up so late) was my Mommy's birthday and I got to talk to her and my sister and Dad and introduce them to my host mum. So cute! I just finished a cup of tea and am going to go to bed now...and thank the is far less cold then it was last night! What a lovely, lovely life.

OH! Also, Dan gave a gift to our host family that he got in New Jersey...Tasty Cakes...apparently they are going out of business? The box was finished within an hour by Abbie and her friend...also...when they say "Nutty" it sounds like "Naughty." They also say "Cheeky" and "Give i' a tug" (to what I cannot remember). Very funny, indeed. 

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