Friday 28 January 2011

January 27th-28th 2011

Eh. You know when you have those days that just aren't amazing but at the same time phenomenal? Well...these past two days were just them...that...those.

January 27th 2011
Went to Introduction to British Art and Architecture and found lovely coffee shops online while the professor was going on about some irrelevant (well, not really...but mighty boring) pieces of portraiture and then architecture. I know it is a lecture but really, this is just too much. Oh well. After class (3 HOURS) Dana, Dani, Emma and I met up with our two "European" friends Sorena and Ellis at The Angel and enjoyed some burgers and chips. Sorena had to leave and Ellis then took us on a (not really) tour to St. Paul's. We were able to see just how close St. Paul's was to Uni and also got to see/walk over the Millennium Bridge and see the Tate Modern (not inside, unfortunately) before heading to the nearest Tube station.
We had to be back by 5:30 PM so that we could have dinner and get some snacks before the show. Thursday is the night that we have our Play Critique show. This week: The Rivals. It was an incredibly hilarious comedy and I enjoyed it very, very much (even though some of the acting wasn't amazing and this was reinforced by the comments made by our professor...who was sitting right next to her friends during intermission). Anyways...on our way we met some more Americans which was exciting! Turns out there are more Americans staying in Palace Court but they are from Brigham Young University. They were absolutely lovely though!
We ended up going home afterwards and relaxing to the max.

Theatre Where We Saw The Rivals
January 28th 2011

Well...I'm a bit of a bum and proud of it! I was able to sleep for 12 hours (1AM to 1PM) which is all well and good but I felt like I wasted a perfectly good day. I had a bunch of trouble that kept me inside (UNFORTUNATELY! GRRRR SO INCOMPETENT ARE PEOPLE!!!). But, today I was able to finish up some work and make a "to-do" list...which I love doing. I also went upstairs to the "above ground" lounge which was stupendous and I saw the sunset (of course, because of the shadows cast on the buildings I could see) which I haven't seen in a very long time. We were planning to go to Sorena's tonight and party a bit, but as we were making our WONDERFUL pre-drinking/Monopoly/chill time Dani found out some awful news and therefore we had to cancel.
I am so glad that he is understanding because this is the second time we have cancelled. We had to be here tonight though. Tonight was a night to drink cheap wine and then go get a case of Strongbow and WKD Vodka to celebrate the life of Stella-Baby (Dani's dog...who had to be put to sleep because of her cancer). We (Emma, Dana, Angela and I) have all been there (have had to put loved pets and companions to sleep) so tonight, we were there for Dani...100%. We did get her mind off of it...and may I just say...tonight was an incredibly fun, phenomenal, fantastic, footloose and fancy-free night. Playing Kings and "Allo Govna" on a tapestry until 1 AM is definitely a wonderful way to 1) Cheer up a dear friend and 2) Have a successful Friday night!

So, despite all of the "Bluh"...I had a great past couple of days! I love you, London. :)  

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