Monday 31 January 2011

Too Many 12 PMs

Today. Not superb but we got eggs and dates and such from the lovely Portobello...and what did I do? I walked back home by myself. Which was amazing. It is all that I needed to wake up and realize once again how amazing it is that I am in London. Across the freaking pond!

Alas, this walk restored my faith in walks and the beauty of being alone. Here are some of my favorite things I pass on my walk from Portobello Market to Palace Court.

The Worn Brick Walls
The Colorful Shops, Each with Its Own Personality

All I Have Ever Wanted in a House

The Flowers That Are Still SO ALIVE Despite This Cold
Ty and Grace are back and we watched An Education tonight. Lovely film.

January 29th-30th 2011

It's amazing all of the phenomenal things that can happen when nothing is going on at all!

January 29th - First, woke up super late after our celebration the night before and Emma (my beautiful mummy <3) made Dana, Dani and I crepes. We had the most fun even though we were inside until 7:30 PM that night! Went to Thoresby to visit our friend Dan, made it back to Palace before the Tube closed, and hung out in the kitchen for hours. Emma made me a grilled cheese with tomatoes on it and Dana made me toast with Nutella, PB, Strawberry and Apricot Jam. Sure we went to bed super late and with full bellies, but it was a lovely evening! <3

January 30th - Simple day. Woke up around 12:45 PM and made an omlette with mushrooms, peppers, onions and mild cheddar cheese with Dana while we listened to the Jonas Brothers. Ate that with some coffee (PROVIDED AGAIN BY EMMA!?!?!?) and toast with Apricot Jam which was divine! Tried to get to Portobello Market before the sun set...made it when it started to set and then headed to Tescos after we realized the food stands shut down way before the sun sets on Sundays...oh well!
I hadn't been feeling to well the whole day and finally Dani, Dana and Emma sent me to my room to lie down. Thank goodness they were persistent. Dana made the dinner I thought up (sauteed peppers, mushrooms, onions, carrots and potatoes baked on top of wheat bread with mild cheddar cheese on top of that) and I had that with a cup of tea that she made me too. :) Lovely, lovely.
After all of the dishes were clean and bellies full we made our way to our English friends' flat over in Finsbury Park. It was a fantastic time and I am so happy to know people who ACTUALLY ARE FROM LONDON (or "the north" in Ellis' case)!! We left around 11:30 PM so that we would get the Tube back...but the line was closed and we then had to take a bus. Getting lost has actually just shown us how very small London's amazing really. We ended up in Trafalgar Square and walked to Leichester Square (which is where I had to go to get to the Zoo Bar) and then figured out that we would need to take the 390 bus to get to Notting Hill Gate.
It was a long journey and a bit confusing but now we know...390...not 207. :) Off to bed right's been a good, long weekend.


Friday 28 January 2011

January 27th-28th 2011

Eh. You know when you have those days that just aren't amazing but at the same time phenomenal? Well...these past two days were just them...that...those.

January 27th 2011
Went to Introduction to British Art and Architecture and found lovely coffee shops online while the professor was going on about some irrelevant (well, not really...but mighty boring) pieces of portraiture and then architecture. I know it is a lecture but really, this is just too much. Oh well. After class (3 HOURS) Dana, Dani, Emma and I met up with our two "European" friends Sorena and Ellis at The Angel and enjoyed some burgers and chips. Sorena had to leave and Ellis then took us on a (not really) tour to St. Paul's. We were able to see just how close St. Paul's was to Uni and also got to see/walk over the Millennium Bridge and see the Tate Modern (not inside, unfortunately) before heading to the nearest Tube station.
We had to be back by 5:30 PM so that we could have dinner and get some snacks before the show. Thursday is the night that we have our Play Critique show. This week: The Rivals. It was an incredibly hilarious comedy and I enjoyed it very, very much (even though some of the acting wasn't amazing and this was reinforced by the comments made by our professor...who was sitting right next to her friends during intermission). Anyways...on our way we met some more Americans which was exciting! Turns out there are more Americans staying in Palace Court but they are from Brigham Young University. They were absolutely lovely though!
We ended up going home afterwards and relaxing to the max.

Theatre Where We Saw The Rivals
January 28th 2011

Well...I'm a bit of a bum and proud of it! I was able to sleep for 12 hours (1AM to 1PM) which is all well and good but I felt like I wasted a perfectly good day. I had a bunch of trouble that kept me inside (UNFORTUNATELY! GRRRR SO INCOMPETENT ARE PEOPLE!!!). But, today I was able to finish up some work and make a "to-do" list...which I love doing. I also went upstairs to the "above ground" lounge which was stupendous and I saw the sunset (of course, because of the shadows cast on the buildings I could see) which I haven't seen in a very long time. We were planning to go to Sorena's tonight and party a bit, but as we were making our WONDERFUL pre-drinking/Monopoly/chill time Dani found out some awful news and therefore we had to cancel.
I am so glad that he is understanding because this is the second time we have cancelled. We had to be here tonight though. Tonight was a night to drink cheap wine and then go get a case of Strongbow and WKD Vodka to celebrate the life of Stella-Baby (Dani's dog...who had to be put to sleep because of her cancer). We (Emma, Dana, Angela and I) have all been there (have had to put loved pets and companions to sleep) so tonight, we were there for Dani...100%. We did get her mind off of it...and may I just say...tonight was an incredibly fun, phenomenal, fantastic, footloose and fancy-free night. Playing Kings and "Allo Govna" on a tapestry until 1 AM is definitely a wonderful way to 1) Cheer up a dear friend and 2) Have a successful Friday night!

So, despite all of the "Bluh"...I had a great past couple of days! I love you, London. :)  

Wednesday 26 January 2011

Mediocrity At Its Best

Today was mediocre at best. Maybe it's because I was mad but not mad, not happy but not unhappy...just a bit pissed i guess. Play critique, journalism, home, food, computer, bed. In the mix I tried to get us all over to a friend's but it didn't work out and so that was just icing on the lamesaucey pudding that was Wednesday. 

So here is something that I have found to be spectacular and highly influential here in jolly ol' England...The FASHION.

Fur Coats, Huge Sweaters, Winged Jackets, Oversized Scarves/Large Knitted, Pointed Toe Lace-Up Boots (Flat or Heel), Dark Skinny Jeans/Black, Black Tights, Button-Up Men's Shirts (for women and men)...but those are all just from the first week here. 

Londoners are always changing up their style and it is both mind-boggling and contagious. 

Thank goodness for this style is just only going to improve!

Tuesday 25 January 2011

Date Day with Dana 1/25/11

Today was my 2nd Date Day with Dana! <3
Began at Cafe Diana where I had delicious coffee and a chicken something on pita bread and Dana had tea and apparently VERY good falafel! ON OUR WAY WE SAW RANDOM GLOVES Y'ALL! SO INCREDIBLY RIDICULOUS! DANI! I BELIEVE YOU (for all y'all that don't know...London is riddled with abandoned/random gloves...usually without its significant other...but not THIS TIME!)! 
Bought a baguette from Tescos and we also purchased...TEA! WE ARE FINALLY DRINKING TEA IN LONDON!! 
BUT. Emma...the best person/roommate/flatmate in THE WORLD had made crepes this morning not knowing that we had our about shiddy timing! :( But goodness. She's amazing... 
Dana and I decided (after the preparation of our lovely snack: baguette, strawberry jam, apricot jam, Nutella and sliced apples) to enjoy our snacks and tea outside on our stoop today under the overhang and read. We had such a lovely time. :)
Then travelled with Emma, Dani and Dana to class and made it just on time! Had another amazing class...really though it is so inspiring and travelled back to the flat and just chilled out like the mangiest of herms...but not. Never will I ever consciously "herm" or "mang" ...sorry loves who know what that means. WHATEVER CAUSE I MAY ALSO BE (IN ADDITION TO AMSTERDAM AND PARIS) GOING TO BELGIUM WITH EMMA! <3 WHO IS EXCITED?! THIS KID! 
Also...I love life. So much...especially because I got to talk to/see a couple of beautiful people who I haven't conversed with in an abhorrently sick amount of time. Huzzah to life. :) 

Monday, Monday 1/24/11

Woke up far too late on this lovely Monday...and still managed to make a wonderful "day" out of the afternoon and evening. 
Planned to go to Portobello Road Market to purchase the most delicious and deliciously priced produce available in Notting Hill. So, after getting ready and getting coffee from the most WONDERFUL Emma (dollface, gosh I love her) the ladies and I headed to the market. It is amazing what you see when you travel to a place the second time. I was able to take in and appreciate much more of the journey to the market then I did when I only had eyes for the jewel of shopping at the heart of Portobello Road. 
Ended up getting an ABSURD amount of mushrooms for one pound which I was thoroughly excited about. 
Went to Tescos for milk and hobbled home with heavy, heavy bags of supplies for dinner which became sauteed peppers, mushrooms and peas and spinach with a fried egg, toast and milk. Another delicious win by Brooke and Dana.  
Figured we would shop some more so we all headed down to New Look down Kensington Church Street. I got to show the ladies where I ate dinner with Mr. Rowan on our way and again, realized how much you miss along a journey when you are focused on the final destination. I purchased a sweatshirt and a cami at New Look and returned to Palace so that we wouldn't miss Phillip's Monday Movie...The Libertine.
What a movie...sure 3 of the actors are from the Pirates of the Caribbean Movies...doesn't mean it is at all appropriate or horribly enjoyable...a bit horrifying in very crude ways...and almost pathetic ways. I did resign back to the basement to do a couple of things more productive then make pain-induced faces. This included trimming my bangs (FOR THE FIRST TIME), making more tea (I am a bit addicted now...) and deciding that after the movie I would have Grace dye my hair.

So. Movie over. Chatted with my sister and Michael. Got hair dyed by Grace. Booked a flight with Dana and Dani to Amsterdam...and I am now a ginger. 

Sunday 23 January 2011

Home Sweet Notting Hill

LAST DAY IN CHESTER! Absolutely one of the most lovely experiences I have had this whole trip. I felt at home there! :)
Woke up at 9 AM, got ready and had Cheerios and a cup o' tea with milk. Host mummy packed me lunch while Dan and I got our things together and we headed into town. During our last couple of hours in Chester we checked out the inside of the church and ended up shopping on our own. AND. I bought shoes...ugh so good shoes. Sure they made me late meeting Dan and Christine (mum) but we made it to the train station just in time!
Saying goodbye was so sad...I may have hugged her five times before all us FYSAErs got on the train. I'm so happy that I was able to spend this weekend with the Hardings. They are such an amazing and generous family. I am never going to forget them and their hospitality. I am going to miss them terribly.
Anyways...the train ride was long and boring...except the bathroom on the train was SO FUTURISTIC! It was SO. COOL. UGH.
Got back to the flat and then made dinner with Dana. EPIC! Mashed potatoes with onions and peas and also vegetarian sausages, carrot sticks and Dana's two-day old, rock-hard bread...yum.
AND DANA AND I WENT TO THE VIDEO STORE AND RENTED WINNING LONDON! YES! YEASSS! THAT IS RIGHT! THE MARY-KATE AND ASHLEY MOVIE! HOLLER! Going to heat up some hot-crossed buns (from le host mum <3) and watch it! YUS! :)

Saturday 22 January 2011

A Wee Bit of Chester

Today was absolutely mad in the most delightful way! I woke up around 9:30 AM and got ready for the day. I ate breakfast (sunflower seed and pumpkin toast with homemade jam and tea) with me host mum and watched Miss Potter (with Renee Zellweger and Ewan McGregor...ugh so good). It was such a lovely way to slowly wake up. Sitting on a couch, watching a heartwarming movie, drinking a cup of tea and being snuggled by a little kitty, even. :)

After Dan woke up and we chatted about shopping and what we were to do today, we headed into the town of Chester which is about five minutes down the road from our home. We parked and walked into town. We looked in many of our host-mum's favorite restaurants and then went to the information center. Then we went to the Chester Cathedral which we could only look at from the outside for there was a 4 pound charge to get in. I bought a postcard from a gentleman who attempted an American accent...I hope to hear more "American" accents while in the UK. 

Me host mum, Dan and I then walked around the walls of Chester (gorgeous, moss-covered walls that run around the city) which was fantastic! We walked and walked along the wall and passed the Cathedral again and passed under the famous clock and ended up at the river. By the time we got into the rows (second story shops) my body was so frozen. We did shop though! We went to one store which I cannot remember the name of and then we went into H&M...I do like the Chester H&M. Indeed. We found a pub and I had a veggie burger, chips and Strongbow cider which was divine! Then we made our way back to the car and stopped in a drug store and I purchased my hair dyeeee (semi-permanent!) and shampoo. I cannot wait! But I got some fantastic items for a very good price. 

We then headed back to the house and chatted with Abbie (host sister I guess) and her friends. It was very funny because her one friend was 18, the other 20, and they both thought I was older...whereas I thought they appeared older than I did. I guess that is how it generally works? They were incredibly sweet, though, and we shared fun stories and information about the UK and the US (comparison of McDonald's, alcohol and accents) and I did my English accent for them...they thought I was quite good! Proudness right here.

Around 8:30 PM Dan and I were taken to the pub by Christine (host mum) and enjoyed a night with the whole FYSAE crew and I tried some lovely drinks...and had my first shot with Dana. :) Apple Sourz...and then also tried some Archers with lemonade and others...nonetheless divine! There was karaoke which was oodles of fun and the atmosphere was completely relaxed and encouraged the outlandish singing of "Toxic" by Britney Spears with Dana... 
After a lovely and loud (couldn't hear out of my left ear for a bit) evening (around 11:30 PM) we were taken home by Christine and hung out with Abbie and her other friend. We drank with them and showed them where we lived in New Jersey (one kid who stayed here before gave a book of New Jersey as a gift!) and chatted/laughed with them in English accents. They say "Cheers" instead of "Thank you" and say "Hey-yah" instead of "Hello." It's quite darling! It was so nice hanging out with people my own age who are actually from the UK! They really were amazing and it is a darn shame that we were only here for two nights and leave tomorrow. I am very sad about it really... 

But! ON A HAPPY NOTE! Today (well, yesterday now since I stayed up so late) was my Mommy's birthday and I got to talk to her and my sister and Dad and introduce them to my host mum. So cute! I just finished a cup of tea and am going to go to bed now...and thank the is far less cold then it was last night! What a lovely, lovely life.

OH! Also, Dan gave a gift to our host family that he got in New Jersey...Tasty Cakes...apparently they are going out of business? The box was finished within an hour by Abbie and her friend...also...when they say "Nutty" it sounds like "Naughty." They also say "Cheeky" and "Give i' a tug" (to what I cannot remember). Very funny, indeed. 

Friday 21 January 2011

Tea, Toes and The Illusionist: The Beginning of Homestay

Outside of the Train Station in Chester
Wonderful to be caught up!

Today was absolutely marvelous and yet so average! Questionable?
I awoke at 1 PM...good start...and walked down the road to top up my phone. I was a traveling rogue for Dana, Emma and Dani all had class and Tylyn and Grace were tucked away in their room/on their computers respectively. I had no class. SO! Topped up the phone (oh yeah 10 pounds and one pence!) and then made some lunch/breakfast for myself. Found that the ladies were all back and about either packing, uploading photos or eating. I made myself some guacamole and tomatoes and enjoyed it with my rosemary crackers.
I attempted to upload a video...failed...and then later packed, chatted with the ladies and ate a peanut butter and strawberry jam sandwich before leaving for the Tube. At around 5-something the ladies and I made our way to Queensway and eventually (after Emma remembered that she forgot the tickets...good leader Emma) got to Euston train station where we met the rest of the FYSAErs and proceeded to loudly board the train and voice how (well, not me really) frustrated we all were because there were so many of us and only one ticket.
I ended up sitting across from Tylyn and found out that, "HOLY WHAT?! THERE IS FREE WIFI ON THIS TRAIN!" That's wifi on a moving vehicle...
Okay. So I was freaking out and everyone else was like "Oh ma gush Broooke dis is no beeg deal becurse we are suurroundeeed by theese erryday ng stuffffss..." ...Dani. ;)
But anyway! Pleasant train ride (setup really differently...seats are facing each other with a table in the cool)! We arrived in Chester to find it was SO much colder and incredibly foggy and that housing arrangements had been changed because some people backed out (like my original family). :(

BETTER THEY DID, though, because I am now staying with the Hardings of Chester and Mrs. Harding is so incredibly cute and sweet! First of all...when she drove us (Dan and I) to her home I sat in the passenger seat on the LEFT side of the car...big deal. We got to her house and found out that her son lives at home and is married but cannot be with his wife (in America) because he is still waiting on a VISA!! :( She has two daughters also! One of which is married with a little girl named Amber and and another who is 18.
Tonight I had my first cup of tea, chatted with Dan, me host-mum and her daughter with the baby+the husband for a bit and then decided (Mum, Dan and I) to watch The of my favorite (and her favorite) movies! It was divine! She made me ANOTHER cup of tea and we all sat in their front telly room and tried to stay warm (thank goodness I sat on the same side as Mum...she had a big blanket). But...her house is adorable and she is so incredibly sweet and I saw some British TV for about two seconds and do not like it at all............Abbie was watching's weird. Mum likes to chat and summarize things without actually summarizing. She's so cute and so are her cats.......yes. I know. I like her cats...they make me want a cat. I guess English cats are just my cup of tea! Tomorrow should be fun even though there isn't a whole lot all planned out. Shopping...cause that is something that Dan and I both love! Thank goodness!
ANDDD some kids that stayed here before us lived in New Jersey and brought a book of New Jersey as a gift...she whipped it out and PRINCETON AND CAPE MAY were featured. MHMM. That's right...
Oh. I will be wearing two sweaters and a dress tonight...for I forgot pajama pants...and socks...CAN'T WAIT FOR TOMORROW!


January 20th 2011

Awoke at 8 AM and travelled to the National Portrait Gallery to view the Thomas Lawrence exhibition for my Introduction to British Art and Architecture class. One of his portraits had a great likeness to Dusty...the most lovable and hatable character in Just Friends...that was exciting to see...and the only exciting thing there. Boo.
The previous night I stayed up until 3 AM...but was completely worth it...partially due to the giant bonding sesh that occurred in my room with the ladies (Grace, Dana, Dani and Emma...Ty went to bed early) consisting of the sharing of favorite YouTube videos and then a group listen and sing-along to the entire Rent soundtrack...I. Love. My. Flatmates.
After I escaped the gallery I made and ate my lunch (sauteed peppers, mushrooms and spinach with think pancakes and milk) and then, sick of the dark basement, brought all of my things upstairs and had the pleasure of relaxing in a light-filled room on a small couch with the view of connected brick houses with different colored doors. So cute!
.......................THEN! thenthenthenthenthen......................
READY?!?! the National Theatre!

Enthralling. Absolutely MAD! Bloody freaking BRILLIANT! 

The actor who played Hamlet was SPECTACULAR (and so was the entire cast except for Gertrude...she was wretched)! Now...I am not the biggest fan of Shakespeare...but holy moly this production was by far one of the most amazing things I have had the pleasure to see. Thank you Play Critique. It was so good I was overwhelmed by naughtiness and snuck a quick picture of the bows!

After the show Grace, Emma, Dani, Dana and I found an incredible place (maybe a skatepark?) completely overtaken by graffiti! Then, instead of taking the closest Tube station back...we walked under the London Eye and across the bridge to see Big Ben and Parliament lit up in the dark London night. Breathtaking. It was all just a part of our evening commute in London. So blessed.  

The London Eye, Parliament, Big Ben and Me  

Good Morning...SUN!?!?! 1/18-19/11

January 18th 2011

Oh, what an excruciatingly glorious day! Why in the world would one describe a day...the Tuesday after the "bleakest day" of the this? Well, it is because I opened the blinds (before 12 PM) of our flat to find that the golden sun, having battled so long with these silver skies, had victoriously taken charge of the heavens. Yes, when I opened the curtain, only expecting to see the cool, pale gray background to our neighboring, brick flats, the sun was shining with the jubilant might of a beaming child having gotten its way post-tantrum.
Selfishly, I washed up and eased Dana and Emma out of their much preferred sleeping state with an "accidental" activation of my ihome. While my lovely ladies prepared for the day, the jubilant Dani and I ran a few errands. During this time we captured glorious proof in the sky with our clicking lenses.
We returned to the flat and enjoyed my instant coffee with blueberries and rice snaps while I browsed the home pages of Facebook.
Once ready, the ladies (Emma, Dana and Dani) and I ventured to Notting Hill Tube station and made our way to the Tower Bridge. We ended up taking a detour into a quaint Christmas shop, through a GLORIOUS shopping area and to an amazing walkway that ran parallel to the Thames River. While searching for a cafe we captured our silly selves and the glorious architecture of London with our cameras.
After, we found a quiet and delicate alley with a potential lunch spot (cute cafe) and twice crossed the Tower Bridge.
Cold and hungry we entered the Cafe Paradiso and I had the most delicious sandwich (for a lovely price)! I then left the cafe (and the ladies) and went to City University to get help from IT to connect to the internet (fail) and get a book for my Visual London Something Whatever It's Awesome class. Again...we had absolutely phenomenal discussion in this class and I presented the idea of a "Flaneur" by Baudelaire with my partner. I love discussions...I really do. I also love leading discussions. It was really cool to just sit in the front of the class and converse with my professors as if they were students.
ANYWAYS! I love that class. We then headed home and ate some dinner and after went to bed (entirely too late!).

January 19th 2011

Written in my little red notebook on this day...and therefore the tense might not make much sense...

Woke up to the promise of another glorious morning! This would be my first time attending the Play Critique class (WHICH I GOT IN AFTER I WAS TOLD IT WAS FULL BECAUSE SOMEONE DROPPED IT WOOOOO!) with which I had seen Amphibians. So...8 o'clock I awoke and quietly got ready as to not wake Dana. May I just add, it is great fun to switch up eye makeup depending on the outfit, I paired a completely new outfit with (for me) an entirely (mostly) new shadow combination...I did not go all Ke$ha or Momsen...even though that would have been fun! AND today I am wearing two new articles of clothing (ruffle dress from Primark and jacket from Dana and Emma) as well as the necklace Kara (my good friend from Arcadia) got me which brought the "look" together perfectly!
So, calmly and quietly I ate my blueberries and yogurt while attempting to also consume my fresh instant coffee that I so foolishly made and check the all-powerful Facebook. But the time to leave attacked and the coffee was dumped and the dishes left dirty.......I'm not a bad person......
I then departed with the lovely and patient Emma and paraded outside into a SUN COVERED NOTTING HILL!!!!! After an outburst of joy and a friendly "HELLO!!" to a man on the street, Emma and I walked to the station as I attempted to sing the SNL Digital Short "Great Day." We tried a new route to go to Thoresby House for Play Critique and I realized, on the way, that every Wednesday I will only have one hour between Play Critique and Journalism.
Upon arrival to class I was placed in the back of the room...alone...and we discussed the play Amphibians that we (the class) saw last Thursday and the professor just ONLY reminded me of my Aunt weird and delightful!
Once again I must mention how college in the United States and in London has taught me how much I LOVE discussion...random. I was also paired up with Grace to eventually do a presentation on the play Penelope...I am excited because I have assumed it is a play about a girl who goes insane...or who is insane. Love.
After Play Critique the ladies (Tylyn and Grace) and I grabbed lunch at Cafe CoCo. I picked up a newspaper for myself (for Journalism) and then enjoyed a cafe latte and a Parma Ham on grilled ciabatta with roasted vegetables (mushrooms, peppers, onions), lettuce and tomato. While we were there a woman left without paying for her sandwich which caused quite a fuss. But all was well once the owners (the cutest pair of people I have ever known to own a cafe in London) chased her down.
Journalism was lovely, especially because I had some delicious chocolate to nosh on and two liters of water to down. It really is a magnificent class and my professor is just so FRENCH! She also lived in San Francisco for 12 years...brownie points right there!
It is sad that ever single one of my classes are all that I have wanted (course wise) for as long as I can remember. They are thought provoking and challenge my ideas/opinions and are actually encouraging me to explore and make knowledge something to be desperate for!
Tonight was the most congested night on the Tube ever. Amazing, as Ty pointed out, that despite the HORRIBLY LARGE one touched anyone else...they clearly understand personal space here...even in the Tube. For dinner...tuna fish, chopped tomato and celery and plain greek style yogurt mixed and placed between two pieces of toasted brown (wheat) bread. Yums.

January 15th, MY BIRTHTDAY!!!, January 17th

January 15th – (the morning of the) 16th 2011

WENT TO CAMDEN MARKET! What did I purchase? Well…a tapestry, a shirt, THE BEST BURRITO EVER IN THE WORLD, my cute owl bag evennnnn, AN “OH MY GOODNESS BRIT!!” dress with a wolf on it, DA KOOTEST CUPCAKES EVER, gorgeous earrings…and that is all I can remember at the moment (and hopefully all).

But I had to be back by 5 PM because I was to have dinner with my boyfriend’s father who is a pilot for Delta. What an amazing thing! I got back and got ready (cleaned my room so that it was presentable…barely) and then Mr. Rowan, a man I have only encountered in the states, was knocking on the window of my London flat (after getting no answer from the doorbell for I am in the basement and had my music on). So obviously I SPRINTED up the stairs, flung open the door and greeted that kind and familiar figure. From then on it was nothing but pleasant conversation and phenomenal food.
The Churchill Arms
            We ate at The Churchill Arms that Mr. Rowan had apparently been to four years ago during a layover before his next flight…that is a bit bizarre. Funny that four years ago, let alone a year or so ago, I was not even friends with my boyfriend. Four years ago, I did not know that I was going to attend Arcadia University or study abroad in London. I had no idea that I was going to be studying Accounting and Graphic Design. I never imagined that during my first semester I would find out so much about myself and become such a leader with projects (not to mention put together an entire event for my seminar, Words of Mass Destruction). Tangent.
The Fountains Across from Marble Arch
Back to the visit…it was so surreal seeing him standing in my doorway when just the other day the only way we could communicate was with Facetime while Brandon and I were speaking. I rambled on and on, poor fellow, about anything that popped into my head about the last two weeks I had LIVED in London. I spoke about my classes and friends and funny occurrences and how grateful I was to be here. HE ALSO DELIVERED A SUITCASE CONTAINING MY MATRESS PAD FROM HOME ALONG WITH SOME LOVELY BIRTHDAY PRESENTS (from the Rowans…well, Mrs. Rowan), CREST WHITESTRIPS, Q-TIPS, AN EYE MASK, AND PHENOMENALY HEART-WARMING CARDS FROM MY FAMILY, BOYFRIEND AND THE ROWANS. That was just the MOST exciting…I’m a winner…and one of simple pleasures.
           But we walked to The Churchill Arms and were told that we would have to wait 30 minutes to eat in the back (where the butterflies were) and only stay for one hour, or we could find a table near the bar (towards the front) and stay as long as we pleased. Good thing we found a table towards the front because after ordering our delicious Thai dishes and drinks (Pear Cider for me, wine for him), we chatted for about three hours respectively. After amazing conversation and a delicious meal, we walked from the pub, past Palace Court and down Bayswater Road. We ended up at Marble Arch that was incredibly exciting because I have always wondered (while on the Tube) if there truly was a “marble arch.” Good news…there is. Along with a giant statue of a horses head and a creepy statue of smiling gummy people…but the lovely fountain definitely was a highlight for me.
Inside the Zoo Bar
            THEN!!! After all of this, Mr. Rowan helped me get to a means of transportation to take me to Leicester Square so that I could meet up with Dana, Emma, Dani and Angela at the Zoo Bar of Bear Street. After missing the first 390 and then waiting for the next I said goodbye to Mr. Rowan and got onto the first night bus I had ever ridden…that was fun. Anyways! Zoo Bar. Music. Dancing. Fun. I was the only one who wore flat shoes and so I was the only one not crying and taking off their shoes as we walked to the night bus to take us home (the Tube closes at 12 AM). I walked slowly as to not lose the hobblers of uncomfortable shoes and upon reaching the bus stop we were greeted by a slightly intoxicated but very funny gentleman named Ian…then his brother…and he gave me some advice for what I should do on my birthday. Ready? Go bungee jumping or get a lap dance… So after bidding Ian and his brother “Adieu,” we went to a different bus stop, got off near Palace Court and entered our humble abode which was accompanied by the removal of shoes and exasperated sighs.
            And thus began my birthday in London. I am so grateful for Skype…because of it I was able to talk to Brandon, Bud, Alex, Jeremy, Tom and others back at home. That lasted for hours and was the perfect start to a perfect day.

January 16th 2011

And here it was! MY 19th BIRTHDAY!!!!!

I woke up expecting nothing…preparing myself for a day lacking excitement or surprise (truth be told I had never been surprised on a birthday…or in any way for that matter). So I woke up at 12 PM, took a shower and exited our lovely bathroom to find that Emma and Dana were absent from their beds…this is when the surprising began. 
            With hair wet and outfit not yet picked out, Dana, Emma and Dani paraded into my room with a carefully crafter mushroom and pepper omlette (actually just my favorite! – by Emma), whole-wheat toast with strawberry jam and a smiley face made of blueberries (thanks Mrs. Waldman for teaching your daughter well!), milk and coffee. They walked in and I was so unprepared my face turned beat red within seconds. I was so happy and that was (I thought) the first and last surprise of the day.
            I got ready and then consumed my breakfast in our little “chill-times” area in the basement with the girls and checked Facebook and looked at pictures and literally just sat in the basement until about 3 o’clock. I, again, thought nothing else was going to happen on my birthday. I did not think that Dana had anything planned. I was wrong…she had a surprise in store for me. Here is an excerpt from her blog

            "I knew that I wanted to surprise her somehow, but I couldn't throw her a surprise party, seeing as we don't nearly know enough people in London. And she's told me in the past about how she's always wanted a surprise on her birthday, but that every time someone tried, she always found out, and was henceforth disappointed. I was not about to let this happen..
So. I devised a fool-proof plan. Not really, but we'll pretend. So Grace has a friend that's studying abroad in London this semester, and she met Dani and Ty at the market the other day. So we came up with an alibi that Grace's friend invited the three of them to a really expensive restaurant and she already made reservations, and there was really no way to get out of it. Dani researched some really prestigious restaurant called Gordon Ramsey in South Kensington, and we stuck with that. So, Grace, being the amazing liar that she is, almost broke down in front of Brooke after she told her the news. Brooke totally bought it. She was mad. We were all so surprised that she bought it. So, naturally I was acting angry at them as well, all the while standing behind Brooke, cheering them on!"

            - Dana Waldman

Our Table Number 
They fooled me. I was angry and literally almost started to cry when Grace began her “scene.” After cooling down as we walked to Boots I got more and more excited about the night ahead (even though my “friends” had abandoned me). Emma and Dana told me, when we got to Palace Court, that I had to wait upstairs while they got a blindfold and Angela (SO HAPPY SHE CAME WITH US!!). They then, after getting both the cloth and the lovely lady, blindfolded me, led me down the steps and twisted me around so that I had absolutely NO IDEA where we were…all I know is walking blindfolded is horrifying…street noises are scary even when being guided by beautifully lovely people that I completely trust. Anyways…I thought that I knew exactly where we were going but then they brought by blind self into a semi-noisy place and carefully led me down the stairs to our destination… 
Strawberry Cider :) 
            They then took off the blindfold…and…THERE WERE DANI, GRACE AND TYLYN SITTING IN THIS CUTE LITTLE CORNER OF NONE OTHER THEN THE CHAMPION! THE GORGEOUS, LITTLE PUB THAT IS LITERALLY RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER FROM OUR FLAT! AH! I was overwhelmed…so much that I almost started crying. I absolutely love my friends…Dana, Emma, Grace, Tylyn, Dani and Angela absolutely made my birthday so magical.
            We all got our drinks, rum and coke and a strawberry cider for me, and our meals (fish and chips!) and then had the most fantastic time laughing and sharing stories and making jokes and talking about the OUTSTANDING veggie burgers compared to the quarter sized beef patties as well as the prospect of Midnite cookies. They all paid for me. Score. I love birthdays.
Veggie Burgers and a Job Well Done
            But! After The Champion we headed home and I Skyped with my family and with Brandon until the Midnite cookies arrived. So literally…Baileys and milk…the best cookies I have ever had in my entire life (Triple Chocolate Chunk and one other that I cannot remember the name of! HOW DARE I?!) and then we broke out the cupcakes from our adventure in Camden market…Toffee Banana, Gingerbread, Coconut and Coffee………SO SWEET AND SO GOOD! And oh yeah…we also had shots of cookie dough…literally just tiny amounts of dough…but the most amazing kind ever!!! They even put candles in my cookies and sang to me! But really…I am so blessed to have such kind, generous and thoughtful (not to mention CLEVER) flatmates and friends and I got so many birthday wishes and so many amazing and unexpected (obviously but I find the word necessary) surprises!! Oh and the other surprise?? When we were in Camden Market I found a jacket for 15 Pounds that I absolutely fell in love with but was not sure about purchasing it because of its price. Now…I literally pictured at least fifteen different outfits I could wear with this jacket and almost cried when Dana convinced me it was not worth it…I definitely thought about it into the next day. BUT! When I was looking at earrings Dana secretly (SO SECRETELY) bought it for me…and with the help of Emma I did not see or suspect anything. So…after cookies and fun they gave me a bag…with my scarf inside it…except there was something wrapped inside the scarf…it was the jacket…I almost cried. J  
Lauren, Dad and Mom Singing "Happy Birthday" to Me
            This birthday is definitely going to be one I will never forget. Oh…and also…it was sort of, kind of, totally, utterly, completely, and FEROCIOUSLY SPECTACULAR because BRANDON! my boyfriend of six months covered the song “Ain’t No Sunshine” and put a link on my wall and I thought that it was just the song from YouTube so I played it and then all of the sudden IT WAS HIM SINGING NOT SOMEONE ELSE! And the little blurb was dedicated to ME! And he made it for me! And at the end of the song he had a picture of us from Prom 2010 (which we didn’t go to together but WHATEVER) and then had “Happy Birthday Brooke!” appear at the end…and his voice was amazing…and he played all of the instruments…and he made a video for it…and when Dana, Emma and Tylyn watched it with me, after I had realized it was by him and ran with my laptop into our room from the kitchen are and proceeded to repeat obscenities and finally fall on the floor in shock and complete and total JOY, and they cried.
            I was in London…I got surprised 3 times by Dana (and the crew)…was given the most personal and romantic gift by my boyfriend…ate amazing food…and I didn’t need to go bungee jumping. It’s funny that I prepared myself for an uneventful day…it was just all I could have wished for and more. J

January 17th 2011

Funny Looking Balloons...I don't judge...
Day after the birthday and I, of course, woke up incredibly late. Dani, Dana, Emma, Angela and I left the flat around 12:30/1 PM and headed to the British Museum where we were to sketch an “architectural detail of the Parthenon” for Introduction to British Art and Architecture. I chose to sketch a foot. As I studied the foot and shaded I was reminded of how easily art takes me into a whole new world (yeah I thought of Aladdin too…) where nothing else matters but perfecting a piece of work. I explored a bit by myself and then met up with Dana. AND THERE WAS AN EXHIBIT THAT HAD TO DO WITH NUBIANS AND EGYPTIANS!!!! YEAH AIDA!! We left around 5:30 PM, had dinner (which Dana made) while I had a mini-panic attack, listened to music and cleaned my side of the room (again). Then I attempted to start researching my presentation due the following day…I gave up when mother Dana called me to supper.  
            The littlest chef made dinner. It took an hour…but gosh darn it, it looked just like the picture and was incredibly delicious! I was so proud!